Trick Dog Equipment
Our Trick Dog evaluator, Susan Belden is planning to bring an extensive collection of Trick Dog props for use by dogs being evaluated. Here is a list of what she is planning to bring, you are welcome to bring your own props that your dog is familiar with for tricks as well
Please reach out to Susan if you have any questions.
10’ balance board walk
Large, Low sided cardboard box
Collapsible 4’ Tunnel
Weave poles
Obedience/Agility jumps
Hula hoops
tape/tissue paper to make a solid hoop
1 large, 2small Blankets
1 Wire crate with bandana tied to door
Interactive Dog toy
Snuffle ball
Oversized Sock
Dog Toys
Storage bin (2 on 2 off)
Hoops on a pole toy
Basket to carry
Plastic cups
Hotel push bell / noise buzzers / lite
2 Boxes of tissues
Bag or pillowcase full of stuff to pull
Fold up Wagon
Goat bowl or disc